Everyone gets fired at least once in their life.  And if not, well, they’re just not trying very hard.  And we all think of brilliant and immature ‘shoulda saids’ and ‘shoulda dones’ for weeks after. (Okay, years.)  A quirky bit of fun that slaps you upside the head.

(Check out the sequel, Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun.)


Magenta 2010

Available in in various e-formats (Kindle, Kobo, NookBook, iBook), but if you’d like an epub or pdf, you can download it right here! For free. (And here’s why.)


(If you’d like a paperback version, best to purchase it online–such as at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Chapters/Indigo, Book Depository, Bookshop–where you can get a deal on shipping.)


“Ya made me snort root beer out my nose!”  Moriah Jovan, The Proviso

“Darkly humorous.”  Jennifer Colt, The Hellraiser of the Hollywood Hills

“A constant reminder that there will always be that one prick who challenges authority, and that prick is Brett Laramie.”  Katherine Ammon

“HYSTERICAL! I’m so glad I was able to read this book.” Alison, www.goodreads.com

“Wonderful read, funny, sarcastic. Loved it!” Charlie, www.smashwords.com

“Jass Richards wrote the funniest book I’ve ever read. … I’ve never before laughed out loud, literally, while reading a book … ” Mayara Arend, Brazilian Book Worm Review

“Sharp and pointy.”  Anon

“Altogether, a funny, quirky read, good for anyone who is up for a quick escape into someone else’s hilarious misery.” Grace Krispy, Motherlode: Book Reviews and Original Photography

“…a light and amusing novel that would work equally as well as a stand up comedy routine. If you are looking for a giggle (and hate your job) this book is sure to please.”  Shelleyrae, bookdout.com

“If you want some droll (adult) humor, go buy this. Seriously. It’s the funniest thing I’ve read this year, and I’m not sure, but it may be the funniest thing I’ve ever read, period.” E. B.

“First, let me just say I was glad I was not drinking anything while reading this. I refrained from that. My husband said he never heard me laugh so much from reading a book. At one point, I was literally in tears.  Jass Richards is brilliant with the snappy comebacks and the unending fountain of information she can spout forth….  The quick wit, the sharp tongue, the acid words and sarcasm that literally oozes from her pores… beautiful. I laughed so hard I cried in some places. I do admit, there were a few parts where I got just a little lost, (sort of like when she traveled in Europe) but quickly regained my bearings as I read on.  Would I recommend this book? Do dogs have squeaky mice and bright green tennis balls? Yes. Yes they do. So yes, I would definitely tell you to read this book if you want a fun romp, a good laugh and a couple of pointers on how to get let go of a job you can no longer stand. You can get fired with style.”  My Chaotic Ramblings Blog
“I was looking for some good monologues for auditions and this book has a few choice rants that are perfect. I have actually used one already for a big audition that I had and I was complimented on my choice of material.” Crystal M. Lemons, Amazon